Found here some experiments, math and other things I made for fun.
Quadratic bezier offsetting playground.
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This is a playground ported from Flash to HTML5 / Canvas and an example of use of the "Quadratic bezier offseting with selective subdivision" paper. It also shows thw works on interpoating to different offsetings in an atempt to simulate variable width strokes.
Here another example at CodePen →
Quadratic bezier offsetting with selective subdivision.
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This document covers a method to offset quadratic beziers using a criterion that set the parametric value on which the quadratic bezier is subdivided at the start in order to generate an offset approximation with other quadratic beziers segments.
Example ported from Flash to HTML5/Canvas here →
Quadratic bezier through three points.
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This paper is an extension to the "Quadratic bezier
offsetting with selective subdivision" and
cover some geometrical properties of the
quadratic beziers that I found during my
investigation for the paper like the equivalent quadratic bezier theorem.
© Since 1999
Gabriel Suchowolski - microbians
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